7 Signs That You Need Roof Repair ASAP

Justin Mark
4 min readJan 30, 2020


Consider this: you’re sitting comfortably in your lounge, and all of a sudden, a drop of water drips from the roof in your coffee mug that you were about to take a sip. You look up, and the second drop falls in your eye. Not so comfortable are we now?

Roof issues can arise anytime. You can either sit with your hands down or you can take a stand, and get your roof repaired. But the question that remains is when do you know that your roof is begging for repairs?

Here are 7 signs that you need roof repair ASAP:

1. Shingle Damage

Roof shingles suffer the most from the weather atrocities. Rains, storms, hails, and much more. After all such menace, they are bound to wear out. You can take a look at the end, and if they exhibit curls at their ends, it’s most likely that they are worn out and broken.

In another case, you can even spot missing shingles, which means that your roof is getting old, and definitely needs repairs on an immediate level.

2. Attic Leaking

The attic is the first place under the roof, and if the roof is damaged, attics are bound to experience the most damage. If you don’t go in the attic often just because you fear there might be a ghost, then there’s probably one waiting for you, and that’s a leaking roof and water filled attic.

3. Shingle Granules

If for instance, you plan on inspecting your gutters and come across black sand or granules in them, then it’s high time that you consider roof repairs. These black granules come from shingles that are constantly wearing. If you see an immense amount of these granules, then you might even need a roof replacement. But if the amount is low, then you still have a chance for repairs.

4. Wearing & Tearing

Objects and components attached to and with the roof such as chimneys, vents, pipes, etc. will experience wearing and tearing of the roof around them. This happens with the water and moisture seeping through the roof that causes them to tear.

These are the areas that, if not treated, cause excessive roof leakage. If you see such places, it’s highly recommended to call an expert to inspect them right away. The professional will inspect them, and determine the extent of the repairs needed.

5. Wall Stains

How wonderful and thoughtful of you getting an extravagant wall paint just to impress your visitors. But the catch; you forgot to pay heed to your roof quality, and now all those walls are puffing out colors because of water accumulation in them.

Your cracked roofs leak water that keeps on accumulating in your walls and seeping out. This makes the walls stained, decolored, obviously, unappealing with the passage of time. When you spot such a thing, call for a roof leak repair service, not a painter!

6. Peeling Paint

Most people invest their time painting their homes by themselves just because they are fond of it, and some want to save additional bucks. Whatever the reason, you don’t want to let your effort run down the drain, do you?

Another sigh of why you need roof repairs is because of your wall paint peeling away. This and blistering, both of these conditions are caused due to poor ventilation of your roof, which allows the moisture to enter inside.

The moisture then increases the humidity levels, which makes the walls wet, causing blistering and the paint to peel off. Thus when you see such a sign, call roofing professionals immediately.

7. Sagging Rafters

As highlighted earlier, the attic is one of the primary places that is affected by the leakage of the roof. When the roof gets damaged with continuous rains, storms, etc. the water begins dripping inside.

As a consequence, the rafters are the ones that get affected instantly. You can clearly see the rafters sagging being continuously exposed to the moisture. This sagging of the rafters is immensely dangerous as continuous sagging makes the roof incapable of holding the weight of the roof, which at some point may collapse. Hence, if you see sagging rafters, time to get a repair.



Justin Mark

When it comes to express the ideas based on Digital Marketing, I have the highest experience and wanted you all to learn what’s new in the market.